Thursday, September 8, 2011


Welcome to the Bo Knows Fantasy Football League Blog (or BKFFBLB for short). This isn't suppose to be a big thing, just a place where we can keep track of the League Manager's Notes, the Weekly Wrap-ups, discussions about rule changes, etc., just in case ESPN decides to delete our message boards like they did last season. Also we can use this as a place to host pictures for posting on the league boards since ESPN doesn't let you upload pics. Everything that goes up here should be on the league site as well, so don't worry about checking both. This is pretty much just for safe keeping. Also, any discussion or comments should be on the league boards. We'll add anything worth saving to the blog before the end of the season.

If you'd like to be added to the blog so you can upload pictures or post or whatever, just reply to this message in the league boards with your email and I'll add you.